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For additional information about the driving forces behind our work, please visit the following sites. The Coalition for Higher Learning, Inc. is not affiliated with any of these organizations. However, we do recommend them as reputable and reliable data sources for exploring our and others’ efforts to promote career and workforce readiness.

Please let us know about other sites that should be included.

Just what are “21st century skills” and how are they relevant to current educational methods? Battelle for Kids is a national organization committed to exploring how today’s curricula can be enhanced to promote workforce readiness.

Speak Up is an initiative of Project Tomorrow, self described as “the nation’s leading education nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring that today’s students are well prepared to be tomorrow’s innovators, leaders and engaged citizens of the world.” (Source: Project Tomorrow) Information from Speak Up reports is used to inform discussion and decisions about education policy.

Learn more about the core standards movement

Common Core Standards provides answers to the common questions about the movement to revise educational requirements certain subject areas, particularly mathematics and English. The initiatives are state-sponsored and offer some insight into the potential for universal education standards.